Animal of SIM (7/24/01 4:11:50 pm) The visit...

“They do not understand do they?” BellaDonna coughed and wheezed a bit trying to catch her breath
from the walk up the stairs. Her old body was strong and healthy, but something that no one could see
was sapping her strength. The power of a person’s mind is strong indeed.

At times the mind can force a mother’s body to lift a fallen Cyclops off her trapped child. Often it made
one keenly aware of danger and allowed for the body to avoid it suddenly. This time it was worse, her
body had not give up but her mind had.

“Mother, I will try to explain it to them, I know your love for them is great and it pains me to see you
like this.” Animal said sadly looking at a woman whom he loved perhaps beyond life itself. “They will not
trust you, not after what it is you have done. Some now consider you the enemy. I am surprised they
allowed you to walk me upstairs alone. I bet even now they are awaiting any sort of noise and their
hands are at their weapons”, she said with a weary tired look upon her face.

“The Maiden knows your love for her dear Paladin. Go now, I tire and perhaps you can talk some sense
into them”, she faded into a sleep and Animal kissed her on the forehead. “Perhaps one day you will
find your final sleep and be one with her…. If only they would understand.”

Walking down the stairs in his dark robe, he flipped his ponytail to the side and faced scornful looks
from the sisters in the room. Then the looks he received from the Elf and that lad named Cyclone
shown grave caution. Indeed their hands were hovering close to their weapons as if waiting for them
to act.

He stood before the room and spoke to the room in a parental way. Someone once told him there were
three ways to approach someone and achieve a certain result. If the person being spoken too was
acting as if a child, then one should speak to them as an adult. That way it caused them to take heed
of what one was about to say. This was the approach he would take at this time. For even though
they were well beyond the childhood years, their minds were closed like one at this time.

“I wish to speak to you about the health of Mother BellaDonna.” The room looked at him just as a
family would a monk exiting the door of the healer’s chamber. “When one of the cloth passes, they are
with the Maiden during that time. It is a joyous time and when resurrection occurs they are suddenly
jolted from her presence. Quite trying because it is quite lovely indeed when with her. The Maiden
cherishes her children but refuses to keep them until their jobs so to speak are done on this world.”

Veil nodded and the eyes of the others said they knew this to be the truth. “Mother BellaDonna has
visited her many times and wishes to stay with the Maiden, but keeps bringing her back for one
reason. It is you that she returns back to a love that is beyond reason almost. Bella returns for that
love because the Maiden sees that you can’t let go of her presence on this earth. A great quandary
indeed for the Maiden as she is ready to call for Bella by her side but can’t.”

“Now as for your looks of distrust, my duties to the Maiden are something you can not understand. Not
even you Mother Veil and Mother Celes. She called for them two, and I did my duty. It was not
something I liked, nor did I want to do it, but who am I to question her. She has called for BellaDonna
as well, which brings forth a prophecy that has existed for many years.”

The room looked at him unsure what to make of Animal now. “Duty” scoffed Cyclone under his breath.
Veil looked upon him trying to sear into Animal’s soul to understand what it was he was saying. Celes
and Tara looked upon him and his black robe, fear in their eyes. Animal was something neither of them
understood, a master of arts long past, and a past that perhaps made his mind something not quite
“stable” they wondered.

“The prophecy speaks of a prophetess being brought forth”, Animal looked forth to his mind and the
words etched there like ink to parchment. “Three shall fall dead as black the fourth called upon to do
it. Only then shall new ones be woven in their place like a stitch in time. Once the threads are woven
their essence shall remain forever more in the form of a prophetess I shall bring you.”

He spoke the words, they were clear to him but he feared they would not understand. The weight
upon his soul was great, something perhaps greater than the whole room could understand. It was
time to leave them to think about the words he brought forth. Bowing to kiss the hands of the newly
seated mothers he walked to the door and willed himself upon his horse. The mist of an ethereal mount
came to form and he rode off south towards the shrine unsure of where it was he would ride that day.


Zappania of SIM (7/24/01 6:13:16 pm) The Visit...

Lady Veil shook with rage and discouragement. His words had not fallen onto deaf ears, but what to
believe at this moment would take a leap of faith. Bursts of confused questions shot back and forth
across the room like arrows. But not an answer was heard between the brothers and the sisters in the
Sanctuary this night. They could gather together and come up with a plan to stop him in his plan that
could be from a crazy man. But what if it held truth?
Avalon pounded his fist on the table in the spilled cider during all the commotion, “What is needed is for
us to take action and not let the words of that madman stew and make us as crazy as he!” Some
cheered, some spoke out against his comment, and others held their head in their hands as Tara did.
Stitch rushed around the room trying to hush those who spoke rather loud, as if to keep them from
waking BellaDonna from this sleep of sleeps.
“All of you must keep your heads,” Veil boomed as she headed for the swinging door that Animal had
not shut on his way out. The wind was picking up and the knocking door did not help the noise issues.
Veil did not fully believe the words she had just spoken herself, but a voice of reason was needed.
“Whether we choose to believe him or not, we...” the door flew open as she reached for it, interrupting
“Believe Him,” spoke a drenched Zappania, holding the Sanctuary door open.
Quickly, they led her to sit down and tossed a blanket over her, but they stared in silence and could
not look away from her eyes. She dazed straight ahead with her solid sky blue eyes just as she
prepared to break the awkward silence...

Veil (7/25/01 3:22:10 am) Re the Visit

Gazing into Zappania's eyes, Veil spoke softly.
"Sister, I think you misunderstand my intent. "There is no anger in my heart, but rather some

Turning to the rest of the room and locking eyes with her a'mael "If I had been the one called, I would
have done as he has." She whispered.
The quality and tone of her voice changed as she looked to the others and continued with her speech
"It is not a question of if we believe our Brother. It is not a question of if we feel what was done was
right. The Maiden often works in ways none of us understand, it is not now, nor will it ever by my
place to judge another beings actions."

"Rather then the questions each of you needs to answer in your hearts are these."

"Do you in your heart of hearts love Mother BellaDonna enough to let her go?"
"Are you willing to free her from the bonds she feels we hold her to?"
"You only have to look at her while she is sleeping her sleep to see that it is not the Maiden keeping
her here. Rather, it is a force of will."
"Let me be clear. I am not saying we should help Bella find her path." " I am not saying we should do as
was done for the other Mothers."
"I am saying that each of you needs to speak to her while she sleeps, and give her the permission to
leave, or beg her to stay." " The choice is yours."

"The weave is tangled here and hard to read, but I can tell you this." " Each of you has a thread
woven into this knot and each of you has the power to do what is right for you."

"Now if you will excuse me, I wish to sit by Mother for a time." Slowly the small form turned and walked
up the stairs.

CyrusBalbanes (7/25/01 4:07:20 am) Re: The Visit...

The door swung open and in stepped a knight who's silver armor gleamed with brillance. His blond
blonde hair and deep blue eyes which seemed to command respect. Zappania and Avalon reckoned him
immediatly, Cyrus the silver knight, though many at the table didnt as he hadnt made an appearance in
recent times."Greetings Cyrus!"Avalon stood up and gave his old friend a small smile considering the
time. Zappania just sat and watched the still young knight enter the room. They had met a few years
ago yet he still looked as he had back then. Cyrus nodded to Avalon"Avalon" and looked at the
assembled people, Zappania reconized the look in his eyes and on his face. It was the one he had
when he had left to find a cure for her sickness all those years ago. She knew what ever he had came
for he wouldn't leave without getting it.
"Give me a reason i shouldnt take Animal to jail or kill him myself for what he did!"Cyrus looked at them
with a resolute gaze"And dont give me "The Maiden wished it" speech." Zappania knew Cyrus was a
passionate man, he cared for many and Kronae was one whom he cared for greatly. He wouldnt back
down without a reason that he felt justified what happend.

Celes Xavier (7/25/01 7:30:22 am)Re: The Visit...

I know this may seemed odd that I am the first one to pipe up and give a reason why not to jail or kill
Animal, but this is because he is still my friend and I do trust him. Even though I have been burnt in
the past for being too trusting, I will still always rely on my feelings. And you too will have to trust in

Veil (7/25/01 1:55:45 pm) Re: The Visit...

*Looks down from the top of the stairs*

Sir, What proof do you have my Brother did anything?

I think perhaps you might want to rethink what you have just said, here in his Church.
Or, did you forget on your way in the door that this is in fact a church?
If you would like to stay and visit with friends you are welcome. If you are here to stir the pot with
your assumptions of guilt and words of murder you are not.

CyrusBalbanes (7/25/01 2:40:44 pm) *Stares at Veil*

"So you attempt to tell me that Animal didnt kill Prosperine and Kronae? As for stirring up trouble, would
you rather i had just decided what i wanted without consulting you? Im only here because I have past
with SIM and i wanted to give you a chance. But if you would rather threaten me Veil than give me
reasons then perhaps i should just take Animal in for his actions. As for this church i have forgot
nothing, i haven't asked anything that isnt reasonable. I suggest you show some respect Veil, i was
around long before you ever joined SIM in fact i can remember when you petitioned to join."Despite his
words he had managed to calm down a little and looked at the others"Now i will ask you again, can you
give me a good solid reason i shouldnt see Animal tried for his actions?"

Veil (7/25/01 2:45:46 pm)Re: *Stares at Veil*

I only asked you what proof you have, and that you respect that this is in fact a church.
Your anger toward me is unwarrented,
Sighing Veil turned and walked away, muttering under her breath.
Do what you need to do.

Celes Xavier (7/25/01 4:11:29 pm) Enough of this.

I understand your feelings Cyrus but there is no need for your involvement, we will deal with Animal in
the way that the Sisterhood of the Ivory Maiden should. If you wish to have a further say in the
matter then perhaps we should place your name on the stone.

Good-eve old friend of SIM.

CyrusBalbanes (7/25/01 6:07:27 pm) For now

Cyrus looked at Celes"Unfortunately that isnt possible lady Celes. Animal is one of your own and you
might not have the heart to see justice done. Yet I suppose Veil had some wisdom in her words,
though my anger was more at her tone of voice to me than her words. I am not totally certain it was
Animal that did this, though i've been told he was by sources i believe. To unjustly convict a man of
crimes he didn't commit is wrong, so i can hold off on my judgements."Looks around at the room"i
would like to talk with Animal, so i can get the information i need. If he truly did kill them then he
should face a trial."
Turns around to walk out and stops looking back at Zappania saddened that he has to act like this
towards her guild, but he couldnt with good conscience let a killer go free under the guise of duty."As
for joining SIM let me have some thought on it. Though i truly believe we want the same things im not
sure i always agree with some of SIM's practices." Leaves the building waiting for the time that Animal
would contact him. And if Animal did not well that would only further to prove his guilt.

Zappania of SIM (7/27/01 6:28:07 pm) The Visit II

“Many of you know me well, just as some of you have never even heard my voice,” she said with a
slight goofy smirk and the Sanctuary door closed shut with a hand gesture from Cyclone. “Times are
desperate,” she began with the smirk gone and her eyes wide open. All ears were listening while she
went into a story that sounded like a dream she had the night before. It wasn’t very clear...
It began with Zappania hitting the ground as if she were thrown through a moongate. As she walked
forward between the bushes running parallel on either side of her, it wasn’t long before she concluded
she was in a hedge maze of sorts. This was no hedge maze she knew of. She didn’t want to get lost.
Forever. ...dark. ......blur.....
She shook her head, grabbing for her sword. [this is ridiculous] Her thoughts were loud. [Wha?] She
hacked through a well thought-out area in the shrub wall. There was a yell. Looking right, a body fell
to the ground as she came through the bushes. All she could see was the silhouette of a woman in this
darkness. [M...] She rushed the laying figure while searching for the assailant. [Mother..?] She knelt
and held Mother Kronae’s head up. “Thank him.” [Who? Thank Who? Why?] She noticed that she was
speaking with ease, and yet her mouth moved not once. “You will know,” Kronae said, and she
vanished slowly with nothing left behind but a blood ridden prayer dress. [Mother!! What is
happening!?] She knew she should be crying, but tears never did form. Light. ...dark ..elf...

Suddenly Zappania was standing in another pathway that was perhaps the same hedge maze. There
was a light coming from down the pathway. Instinctively, she ran towards it, turned the corner, and
saw her brothers and sisters from past and present with weapons drawn and in a fighting stance. It
was a wall of them blocking the path. She could feel the cold radiate from the halibard only two inches
from her face. With a deep swallow, she backed off slowly as pieces from her memory fed back to her.
[Guardian? Ultrin!....Trixie?] They were all there. Ready to strike. Strike her? There was a sound from
behind her so she whipped her head around..............nothing............she whipped her head back and
they were gone.......she whipped her head back to the darkness, to the face! His arms reached around
her from behind. [Five] “It is odd how the darkness plays with one’s mind. And yet, one could not live
without it. Don’t you think, Princess? Do you enjoy the murders in the dark? So you can not see their
faces?” [Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!] She broke free from his grasp, pulled her sword (?) and struck him
in one fierce motion. ......................... ............................. he was gone..............but
.........there was something......someone..................down the path. [Bright light...can’t see] She was
half-lying and half on a stump.
[Proserpine] The tears ran down her face so hard like rain, that she did not see the fiery-hair of the
one in the background. ..........the blur.......................................... Goddess...............................darkness.

Her eyes snapped open, yet all she could see was light. She felt like she had slept for days. [wha...]
The light was painless and started to form shapes. [...My eyes. Who is there? I cannot see?] She was
awake enough to realize that this was the best she was going to be able to see: An immense light with
two figures on either side of it....and something directly in the lights’ way. “Zappania.....old friend.”
[Mother.] She squinted. [I can hardly see you.]
“Do you see the others?” [Yes. They are trapped by the brilliant light.] “Not trapped, M’lady. They are
in Her hands. They are with Her.”
[BellaDonna, the light does not have you...does that mean you are not with Her?] “Yes, and no. Listen
to me: None of this was a mistake.” Now she was sure that the two figures on either side of the light
were Proserpine and Kronae. She began to weep again. “This is a time of joy and rebirth. It is what I
have spoken about all these years. He is not the enemy for carrying out Her bidding. He sees in a way
unlike any other. That is what allows him to do what is prophesied”

She nodded and wiped the tears from her chin as the light was getting brighter. No. It was coming
closer. But she was not afraid when the light touched her forehead. ..........burning...................
.......content...........[...Mother.........the pain.............] ........ The wind passed by her like time when
the voice could be heard.

**************************************** one said anything for minutes. They stared into her solid blue eyes.
“Pardon me,” she wiped a tear from her face, “Mother BellaDonna waits for me.”
Zappania began her slow travel up the stairs and touched the wall all the way up.

Sisterhood of the Ivory Maiden is a player-based Ultima Online guild
© 1998 MG Productions All rights reserved
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