Animal of SIM (7/18/01 4:27:09 pm) The fall of Proserpine...

The moons did not bring light that day even though they shone brightly in the sky. Darkness overcame the land like a shroud disbursing itself upon the countryside. Animal had taken perch on a rocky enclave just above a small house on the waterside. It was quite serene really; he could see why someone would wish to live here

Wading in the water was someone who he had loved since he first met her. Not the sort of love one might have for a wife, but still a deep love in his heart. She had been a friend and guide through many of his tough times, and today he had to take her life. Animal had hoped he wouldn’t have to confront her to fulfill the prophecy, so it looked as though he would have to wait sometime before she bedded down or napped.

Suddenly the woman reached down into the water and turned in his direction. A not so small rock almost pegged him along side the head and the woman yelled, “Animal, come down here now!!!”

He was surprised because he had been very careful to make sure his presence was not made know, but still she knew. Stepping from the rocks he made his way down to the grass, not sure if he should greet her or do what is was he came to do.

She answered the question when she gave a hug to Animal and softly whispered into his ear, “It is time, is it?” With total surprise he looked to her, “how did you know? How could you have known?” Slightly smiling she looked coy and probably wouldn’t tell how she knew.

“Let me put on my prayer dress young paladin. You allowed Kronae that opportunity before taking her, aye?”

“What ?!?” He asked with surprise, but then recalled in his haste that the mother had indeed been donning her dress, a dress given to all those joining the sister when the joined. Somehow she had known also and chose to sleep while the prophecy occurred.

A minute later she exited from the changing area with a flowing ivory dress and crimson cape. “I admire your courage Animal, we chose well the fourth rose. I wish to pray to her when you bring me to her.” With that she knelt before a small statue of the maiden and began saying a silent prayer to her.

“KAL VAS CORP” he yelled and suddenly she was gone. Walking out of the small house Animal began walking down the beach slowly contemplating what it was he had done. It was time to head for Yew to speak with Roku. Turning back to face the house silently he whispered to the house, “You have served her well young maiden, go and be with her.”


Veil (7/18/01 8:08:55 pm) the second rose

Cyclone was visiting when the second rose turned...

Veil stumbled to the rose and held it as her thread moved into it's place.

A Prayer spoken in slience formed in her mind,,
To be etched there forever.


Erin Xavier (7/19/01 4:41:26 pm) Re: The fall of Prosperine...

After Celes had collapsed and I put her to bed, I was still left wondering as to what was the reason for her pain? My thoughts quickly ran to an old post left by Roku in regards to BellaDonna. Only the death of another mother could inflict such anguish into my sister but it couldn't be BellaDonna Roku would never let that happen.

So who could it be? I slowly removed the clothing she was modelling for me, when I started to wonder who's clothing this was. It was given to her by Avalon but why? Then it hit me like an energy bolt to the head, it was Mother Kronae's old outfit. I remember Celes told me that Avalon was holding on to it for the longest time but one day he gave it to Celes. Celes was never sure why she was given this but she had accepted the gift anyway. So then that means that Mother Kronae is...dead!? Celes had always said that she felt a special bond to Kronae but had yet to meet her. I never understood this personnally but after reading a little about Kronae in the past couple of days I can see why. These two have very similar souls maybe that is why Avalon felt compelled to give Celes that gift.

I am not sure how long it has been now since I put my sister to bed, but after taking a short nap in a chair I had placed beside my sister, my eyes opened to an empty bed. I don't know where she has gone but she is...gone. Please, if you see her could you let me know I am very worried.


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