
BellaDonna by Roku, Grandmaster Healer of the Abbey posted 6/2/01
12:46:10 PM Roku, Grand Master Healer of the Abbey As a few of
you have known, BellaDonna has been in our care for many years. One
year ago she suffered the Final Death, a place she describes as the
Maiden’s fold, somehow she ruturned. Although I don’t fully understand
this “Sanctuary” she has described, I do know she has found it a place
of wonderment and peace.
In our
late night talks about philosophy and literature she oft mentions
the place wistfully, remembering when she was a part of “her,” the
spirit she calls The Ivory Maiden. She has told me about how difficult
it is for her to return to this world when she dies. She has told
me of some of the fabulous things awaiting her there. And now it seems
my friends, that when we do speak, her conversation seldom leaves
the subject of that place. I write to you Sisters and Brothers because
BellaDonna is here now, on my bed, she is neither lucid nor seemingly
in pain. A warm smile is on her face and she occasionally opens her
eyes, stretches and rambles about a place her words can not seem to
adequately describe. She utters foreign languages, ancient ones, some
which stir me deeply with their sonnet, though I do not understand
them. In one moment of clarity she said to me this, “My spirit is
weak here now and my battles have turned inward, go to my fold and
tell them…they will understand the glory, they will not fear my pains,
only they will understand I am not mad, but in her arms and at her
breast.” Truthfully, I have feared for her sanity for days…and still
do. For one week she has been here in this altered state. For one
week I have cried for the greatest woman I have ever known and secretly
loved… She said you would all understand, she said you all would know
what to do. But as for me, I am lost, I am alone, and I will weep
for the return of my love, your mother - BellaDonna. Please contact
me soon. I will arrange to bring her home. I have done all that I
can do.
preparations for the return of BellaDonna* by Ravenwood, High Priestess
of SIM posted 6/2/01 2:11:48 PM
help me girl... Mother Superior is to return soon to the Sanctuary!!
We have a million things to do... Put down your sewing for a minute
and write a list of things I need you to gather..."
must prepare the finest linens, find for her the purest wool, white
as snow, from the Shepherds in Yew... You will create a masterpiece,
Stitch, take the gold from my chest here... Make of it golden threads,
and embroider these sigils upon her pillows. Also, gather eagle down
for her resting place."
"Eagle down??" Stitch replies... "But how can I-?"
eagles!!" Ravenwood interupts. "Ask the protectorate if you must,
but eagle down is certainly the softest down. We can only have the
best for BellaDonna!"
clean these floors, dust this furniture, bring some water from the
shore outside, find some fresh flowers from the Shrine of Sacrifice,
fill these vases. Take this tonic and put it in a special place, make
sure BellaDonna recieves just a spoonful each day. This is very important
Stitch... Hurry! Hurry!"
"And Stitch, remember I will always love you, you who tailored until
your hands bled until we had enough gold to buy this church for our
High Priestess, I know..." Stitch replies, looking at her questioningly
as she rushes out the door.
Looking out the window onto the ocean with tears in her eyes, Ravenwood
sits down to write a letter...
my bothers and sisters in the Her Name,
My time
has finally come. I have grown weak with the disappearance of our
Mother Superior... Nightly, I try to find her, my greatest friend,
my soul sister... Every time I find her presence, I am brought back
to this world from my dreams, a cold awakening... Therefore, I have
decided to create a spell which will allow me to sleep unhindered
by the mundane noises and activities of this world. I will find her.
I must be by her side. I beg your leave of me... For I cannot bear
to be without her, this woman who's heart took me in when I was but
a child -- no matter my past, it was only my own future which she
saw. My vessel for this world will remain at her bedside, in this
throne -protected as she will be by the Maiden's love which flourishes
and grows in this Holy Sanctuary, regardless of the evil which knocks
at its door in the lands now called Felucca.
May the Maiden be with you my sisters and brothers...
A new age is upon thee, make of it a wonderous world and spread Her
Name throughout the lands...
Ravenwood, High Priestess of the Sisterhood of the Ivory Maiden."
her Mother's arrival* by Celes Xavier, Ivory Armor Maiden of SIM posted
6/2/01 4:46:30 PM
As the
Maiden is to Belladonna, as Belladonna is to me...my mother.
Please Roku, travel safe and watch over Belladonna. *travels to Stitch's
side to aid in the preparations*
fly* by Veil posted 6/3/01 6:32:56 am
Sanctuary, Veil feels the change.
and Stitch are working on embroidery? Stopping in her tracks,she watches
the pair and a great feeling of unease descends upon her.
“Stitch where is your Mistress?” she asks. Looking up with tears in
her eyes, Stitch points to the messages on the board.
After reading both messages. Veil replaces them in their spots and
sits at the desk Ravenwood was using just a short time ago. A look
of determination crosses her face as she realizes she must finally
face the daemons that haunt her nights if she is ever to seek the
place her loved ones have entered. Closing her eyes and relaxing,
she empties her mind and waits.
Many things run though her vision...
Strongbow Firehand looks at her and says, "Look deeper melamin."
Jandar is there saying, "I am proud of you Sister, you can do it."
Celes says, "I support you Veil, find them."
Zapania pushes her forward.
Tara states, "Life is an illusion."
The rest of her Brothers and Sister are there also, smiling and nodding.
With that held close to her heart she lets go...
Serena screams...the dragon rears... and Veil loses control, spiraling
into the land of her nightmares.
Grasping control for a moment, she senses Mother BellaDonna, Ravenwood,
and to her relief the Maiden. Placing aside her fear, she pushes beyond
and enters the place of peace.
No words are exchanged. Veil “feels” the pride in her from BellaDonna
and Ravenwood. More pictures run through her mind... The Sisterhood...
living up to the visions seen so long ago. The 4th Rose flourishing,
growing stronger and speaking the message. And the ever soft, loving
presence of the Maiden, supporting as she always has. The vision fades
and Veil is left... not with fear, but with the strong feeling that
all will be well.
Taking out a clean scroll she begins to write:
Grandmaster Healer of the Abbey, Roku,
you for caring for Mother BellaDonna. We of the Sisterhood do understand
what she is speaking of, and will do all in our power to bring her
to where she belongs. Roku, you have earned a place in the hearts
of all the Sisterhood, our Mother is the embodiment of the Maiden
to us. To learn that you have cared for BellaDonna in this way has
obtained you a place within our history.
To you I say this. Do not let her slip away from you again. The very
fact that she came to you should show you what is in her depths.
To love a Sister is something not many have the courage and patience
to do, we are devoted to the Maiden. We also have a tendency to drop
everything and run off to fight battles that worry those that love
some of us do not show the world what we feel so deeply. I know in
my heart that you would be a welcomed presence here at her side.
With the Orcs acting the way they are I would ask for the privilege
of escorting both you and Mother BellaDonna home. The realms are not
safe for traveling at this time. Please contact me with a time and
Veil, Emissary of SIM
another note follows.....
To the 4th Rose....
I Veil seek your presence in escorting Mother BellaDonna home to Sanctuary
if needed..
Your Sister in Service, Veil.